***Play To WIN - Don't Play To "Not Lose"

Over the years, while you're watching my beloved G-Men win and lose, I – like may football aficionados – have closely studied their game strategies. True lovers of professional football who watch the games and focus the offensive and defensive plans and game strategies will come to determine two diametrically opposed plans of attack: some teams clearly play to WIN, while other teams simply play to “not lose.”
While both strategies seemingly may get you to the same location (winning the overall game), and in the fast NFL season, a win is often a win is often a win, and many types of teams will require a victory nevertheless it comes, the action plan of “playing to WIN” is incredibly, different compared to game plan of “playing not to lose.” Both strategic approaches affect the action of Success, and the plan that you just implement within your game may possibly see whether you Succeed.
Once you play to “not lose,” at the best you're merely playing to live. When you play to WIN, however, you place everything on the line and play to THRIVE. “Surviving” and “thriving” are very different animals.
Is there a game plan of playing to “not lose?” It becomes an extremely conservative strategy. It involves taking no risks no chances. It is playing from the standpoint of your respective comfortable zone. It is non-committal. It is premised on FEAR and Deficiency of CONFIDENCE is likely to abilities to ensure success, regardless of the circumstances. It is defensive, not offensive. It enables numerous exits for retreat “in the event that.”
Consider. When the Giants play “to not lose,” it is almost always after they hold hook lead within a tough game and the game influences 4th quarter. Rather than still push hard and aggressively move the ball and play to attain (isn’t that this object: scoring points?), they settle back, store the ball, and continue to work on the clock. Why? Because they essentially don't have the confidence on their own. By implementing a “play to not lose” mentality, the coaching staff effectively telegraphs towards the team that they can lack confidence within their capacity to slowly move the ball, if they push hard these are more likely to create a costly mistake, knowning that when they go delinquent, they'll be not able to stage a comeback and beat the opposition. If that isn’t a defeatist attitude, I don’t determine what is.
Whenever you play to “not lose” in the game of Success go for different. Instead of using abandon and commitment, you play merely to store that which you have. You play to survive. You play to “survive.” You play to possess “just enough” and make up a “comfortable living.” When you play to “not lose,” you are not pushing to WIN, about to catch trying to SCORE. The object in the game – whether football or Success – is always to put POINTS About the BOARD.
In the master Success Classic, Of the same title, Napoleon Hill explains the concept skillfully, using brilliant actual life analogies. When a would be associate of inventor Thomas A. Edison showed up at Edison’s door – with all the goal of being a partner of Edison – Edwin C. Barnes left himself no safety valve, no option for retreat. He either was required to do whatever it latched onto eventually become somebody of Edison’s or he had to die trying. As Hill states:
"[Barnes] would not say, 'I can keep my eyes open for one more opportunity in the event that I are not able to get some tips i want inside the Edison organization.' He was quoted saying, 'There is certainly one thing in the world that I will be going to have, which is actually a business connection to Thomas A. Edison. I will burn all bridges behind me and stake my ENTIRE FUTURE on my small capability to get what I want.' He left himself no way possible of retreat. He was required to win or perish!"
In one more tale from "Think and also be Rich," Hill tells the story of the great warrior from way back when whose army was greatly outnumbered with the enemy. The warrior loaded his soldiers onto a speed boat, sailed towards the enemy’s country, unloaded soldiers and equipment – and then ordered his men of burning their ships – www .ibuypowerreviews.com and they also did! Addressing his troops prior to the battle as they definitely watched their ships increasing in smoke, the warrior exclaimed, “We can't leave these shores alive unless we win. We are in possession of no choice. We either win – or we perish!” They won.
Those who would win and attain Success – in a endeavor – has to be happy to “burn their ships,” cut all options for retreat and commit without recourse. Only by so doing are you able to maintain that way of thinking required to Succeed. It can be a few Desire and Intention. When you play to “not lose,” your Desire and Intention are woefully insufficient and don't have the requisite strength and capacity to carry one to that which you merely wish (“wishing” and “desiring” are very different states of mind). Playing to “not lose” is merely playing the action to “survive” for a specified duration before clock hits zero, with the aspiration that that which you have will do. Well, if you only bet additional numbers to outlive, that is certainly the only thing you will get. On the opposite hand, once you play to WIN – and listen to it the way must be played – your level of Desire, Intention and Commitment are strong, your Will is empowered and also you either WIN or perish inside the cause. With a great deal on the line, there's really only one possible outcome: Success.
Precisely what is your game strategy? Decide NOW.
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